There's nothing better than good fun spent with family! We went to Beaver's Bend on Saturday with the Chaix's. We took eight kids, two adults, four coolers, one stroller, and two walkie talkies for communication between van #1 and van #2. Twenty minutes or so, into our trip, Mark drove right past the road we were suppose to take, so we had to turn around in someone's driveway. As we pulled up, right there on a post was a sign that read...... YIKES!!! Not something you want to see when turning around.....
We continued on our way and made it there safely. We spent the day swimming, canoeing, kyacking, riding a train, and some got to run against the current from a snake....yes, she lost her flip flops! The day was spent squishing around in the sand, children collecting rocks, and lots of laughter!
Channing at Beaver's Bend Summer 2009
Channing is two years old and this was his first time to experience a life jacket, water, sand, and rocks..... He went to the beach as a baby, but this was his first time on foot!! He had so much fun!
This is one of my favorite pictures of Mark taking Channing down to the water......All of the kids had so much fun!! It's been awhile since we've been to a lake/beach! Here are more fun pictures of our trip.....
Camri and Caden were playing in the sand and rocks!
Chloe and Camri posing.....After we finished swimming at the beach, we found our way to the spillway.....the water was FREEZING everywhere we went!!! BRRRR.......
Here is Emily at the spillway....
She had so much fun! Shortly after this picture was taken, she had to run against the current of the water trying to escape a snake that had just came face to face with her cousin, Emily Chaix!! Sadly, she lost both of her favorite flip flops.....sniff, sniff! Luckily, no one was hurt!!
While everyone else was outrunning, snakes, Mark and I took Caden and Channing on a train ride around Beaver's Bend! As most of you know, the two little boys of our family LOVE Thomas the Train, so riding a train was a real thrill for them! Here are a few pics of the train ride......
Shellie and I took my Emily and Katie kyacking...not sure how to spell it! It was so neat to drift along looking at the cliffs and taking in all of the beautiful nature around us! It was a beautiful place to be and I am glad that we had the opportunity to go!
On our way home, we stopped on the side of the road to take a few pictures with an old train....
Caden was glad to see a real train....
Here I am! Here it is! A train! At last, a train!
This last picture is my very favorite!! I'll let you be the judge....
Emily and Katie Beaver's Bend Summer 2009
Love, the Caldwell Crew
New Chapter
13 years ago