Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TIME, where does it go?

Time flies too fast! I thought I would be able to update everyday, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done. It is getting hard to schedule some ME time, so , not everyone is happy! Let's see, it's wake up, wake everyone else up, fix breakfast, iron clothes(I keep running out of time to do this at night!), walk back and forth, room to room making sure that all are still awake and eating, remind everyone go brush their teeth when they are done eating, who's first to go, who's last, who's ready for their hair, fix hair, look through backpacks, decide who is eating lunch at school and who is bringing lunch from home, pack lunches, find money, stop to change a diaper or wipe a runny nose, stop to give medicine/inhalers, find socks, find shoes, sign papers, make sure everyone has a coat, go crank the van, come back in, finish hair, finish putting coats on, look for a pacifier/blankie, put socks BACK on the baby, watch the clock, put everyone in the van, make sure that everyone is still in the van when we are backing up, drive to school, drop everyone off, look for paci that got chunked into the bushes as we walked back outside, watch the buses, get in the van, drive back home, coats off, hungry baby, feed baby, lay baby down for nap, fall on the coach and take a breather, eat breakfast, clean morning mess, look at the dishes in the sink(they can wait), start a load of laundry but have to decide what to wash first, start laundry, make sure oldest is up and off to school(college), clean up trains that are all over the floor, pick up pj's that are everywhere, wipe up toothpaste mess, find me some clothes for the day, take a bath, get ready, baby is stirring around, got to hurry with MY hair, don't know why I am even worrying about fixing MY hair cause there's no where to go and nothing to do(outside the home), baby wakes up, change diaper, baby is hungry again, fix snack, baby does NOT want mommy on the computer, but sitting next to him watching Elmo or Super Why, watch tv until it is safe to sneak out of the room, clean up snack mess, find clothes for baby, give baby a bath, clean up mess, play with baby, try to get on computer again, successful!, oh no, here comes baby!, got to check email fast, get off computer, baby is fussy, don't know why, teething?, possible, who knows, maybe it is his ear, cant find baby's giraffe, here it is, happy baby again, clean up the soggy cereal bowl that got left on the table, notice some crumbs that didn't get swept up, sweep, again, sippy cup found on floor leaking, clean it up, baby wants more drink, get NEW sippy cup, baby happy, oh dear, it's already time for lunch, find something for lunch, fix lunch, feed baby, feed ME, clean up lunch mess, time to lay baby down for nap, switch laundry, start a new load, answer phone, talk to husband, check on future doctor appointments, check calendar, look at the dishes again(later), sort laundry into colors, straighten girls room, get on computer, check blogs, websites, email, talk on phone, try to decide what to cook for dinner, make arrangements to take one child to the orthodontist, wake baby early, change diaper, time to pick kids up from school, give baby a snack, sit in van and visit with friend while I wait for kids to get off the bus, say hi to Nana, get kids, drive to next school, get next kid, drive home, get home, listen to kids fuss, kids are tired and hungry, get kids a snack, move shoes/backpacks out of the middle of the floor, put on a movie for the little guys, tell girls to start picking out clothes for next day, clean up snack mess, oh no!, I look at the dishes again(later), switch laundry, fold clothes, put clothes in rooms, change a diaper, answer the phone, move baby away from trains, clean up trains that baby knocked off the table, put baby's socks back on, see if anyone has ball practice, go to ball practice, fight little ones, come home, exhausted, cook dinner, listen to everyone gripe about not liking it, clean up dinner, oh yeah, those dishes, husband gets aggravated, does the dishes himself, sorry, oops, I'll try better, get baths going, homework going, TRY to iron clothes at night, change baby into pj's, get all in bed, ready to start a new day.... WHERE DOES THE TIME GO???